Manufacture & distribution Industry

Shopify Store for Premium Bags and Stationary Brand

ABOUT Bembel

Bembel is a school supply store with products ranging from customized water bottles and backpacks to stationary items and books. The store keeps all the products that school-going kids require.

Location: Asia, Middle East

The Challenge

The client wanted to take Bembel online and establish an e-commerce brand that would cater to the needs of school-going kids and their parents. To do so, they required an e-commerce development partner to take care of the execution – which turned out to be Hudasoft.

The Solution

Hudasoft undertook the development of Bembel’s e-commerce store with a structured approach. Using client’s objectives as a guide and our expertise as the means, we initiated Bembel’s e-commerce development.

Shopify Store Setup

Based on the prior interactions with the client, our team has enough understanding of Bembel’s brand identity and product offerings.

Hudasoft set up the store using Shopify, a leading e-commerce platform known for its scalability and ease of use. The initial setup involved configuring the Shopify account, selecting an appropriate plan, and integrating essential tools and plugins necessary for Bembel’s e-commerce operations.

Store Design

For the store design, Hudasoft employed a user-centric approach, focusing on creating an intuitive and visually appealing interface. The design team crafted a custom Shopify theme that reflected Bembel’s brand aesthetics while ensuring optimal functionality. Key design elements included:
  • A clean, modern layout with easy navigation.
  • High-quality visuals and graphics that highlighted Bembel’s products.
  • Responsive design to ensure seamless user experience across all devices.
  • Fast loading times to enhance user retention and reduce bounce rates.

Store Development

During the development phase, Hudasoft’s technical team worked on customizing the Shopify theme using HTML, CSS, and Liquid (Shopify’s templating language) to meet specific requirements. Key development tasks included:

  • Integrating third-party applications for inventory management, order processing, and customer support.
  • Setting up secure payment gateways to facilitate smooth transactions.
  • Implementing advanced search functionality to improve product discoverability.
  • Ensuring compliance with security standards and data protection regulations.

Setting Up Categories for Product Listings
Hudasoft worked with Bembel to categorize their school supplies into categories that aligned with the natural shopping habits of their customers. This involved:

  • Analyzing Bembel’s product range to define primary and sub-categories.
  • Implementing a straightforward category hierarchy to simplify the browsing process.
  • Utilizing descriptive and SEO-friendly category names to aid in search engine rankings.
  • Crafting compelling product titles and descriptions that highlighted key features and benefits.
  • Uploading high-resolution product images with zoom functionality.
  • Including specifications, size guides, and usage instructions where applicable.
  • Setting up product variants such as different sizes and colors to provide options to customers.

Shopify Optimization

  • Enhancing site speed through image optimization, minimizing HTTP requests, and leveraging browser caching.
  • Implementing mobile optimization techniques to provide a seamless shopping experience on smartphones and tablets.
  • Regularly updating the Shopify platform and plugins to maintain security and functionality.


80% increase in traffic within 2 months Increase in orders by 60% in a span of 3 months

The Technology Stack Used in this App


Hudasoft used Shopify to create and manage Bembel's ecommerce store.


Hudasoft implemented Liquid to customize Bembel's Shopify themes and templates.


Hudasoft used HTML to structure the content on Bembel's ecommerce website.


Hudasoft applied CSS to style and design Bembel's website for a visually appealing look.

Third-party APIs

Hudasoft integrated third-party APIs to extend Bembel's store functionality and connect additional services.

HUDASOFT provided exceptional Shopify Store development services. They turned my vision into a stunning, user-friendly online store, and their attention to detail and responsiveness were impressive. Post-launch support has been outstanding, ensuring my store runs smoothly. Highly recommended!
Faraz Khan
CEO and Founder - Bembel

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