Brown Coach

EdTech Industry

Brown Coach – Interactive LMS Marketplace

About the App

The platform is designed to provide you with access to a wide range of courses and educational resources.

.Location: Central America



The Challenge - Developing a Holistic LMS

In the dynamic EdTech landscape, Brown Coach faced the challenge of creating an integrated platform where coaches could offer online recorded and live courses. Simultaneously, clients needed a seamless experience to discover, purchase, and engage with educational content. Hudasoft was entrusted to develop a comprehensive solution that transcended platforms and catered to the evolving needs of education technology.

The Solution - Conceptualizing Brown Coach

Brown Coach, an all-encompassing solution developed by Hudasoft. Leveraging the .NET framework and utilizing SQL for database management, Brown Coach seamlessly integrates web, iOS, and Android applications. This approach ensures a unified experience for both coaches and clients across diverse devices, creating a versatile and accessible EdTech platform.

Project Execution

MVP Development

Core functionalities
  • A platform where both teachers and students can register 
  • Coaches can upload recorded courses and invite students to join live courses
  • Students can view feedback, reviews, and ratings on courses from other students
  • Students can securely make payments to the coaches for their services 
  • The solution is accessible via mobile application and web portal

MVP Improvement and Scaling

The MVP was released to the US market, and the feedback gathered through the limited-scope launch pointed out some issues addressed in the later iteration.

Where does brown coach stand now?

As it stands currently, brown coach is a comprehensive online learning management system with over 1000 courses offered by global instructors, and a total of 5000 registered and active students, and the numbers are growing consistently. The platform provides a consistent experience and secure and efficient platforms for students to achieve their educational goals. It also allows students to track their progress and tailor the program at their convenience. The brown coach offers instructors in any field a platform to share their expertise and impart their knowledge to willing and interested students.

The Technology Stack Used in this App

Development Framework

Hudasoft harnessed the capabilities of the .NET framework, providing a robust foundation for the entire Brown Coach ecosystem.

Mobile Applications

iOS and Android applications were developed to extend the reach of Brown Coach, offering coaches and clients a consistent experience on their preferred mobile devices.

Database Management

SQL was employed to manage the intricate details of course data, user information, and transactions, ensuring data integrity and accessibility across platforms.

Working with Hudasoft was a fantastic experience. Their team was professional, skilled, and attentive to our needs from start to finish. They delivered a sleek, user-friendly web app that exceeded our expectations. Communication was clear, and their support throughout the project was exceptional. I highly recommend Hudasoft for any web app development needs.
Deeon Brown
CEO and Founder - Brown Coach

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