Exhibiting Proficiency in a Wide Range of Development Technologies

Our forte in development is quite comprehensive. Hudasoft houses a team that is proficient in almost all dev tech and has experience in developing solutions that solve real-world business problems.

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      We’re Featured In

      Technologies we
      work with


      Hudasoft leverages Swift, Apple's programming language, to develop high-performance iOS applications. Swift's modern syntax and powerful features enable Hudasoft's developers to create robust, user-friendly apps that seamlessly integrate with Apple's ecosystem.


      With Flutter, Hudasoft can build cross-platform mobile applications that run smoothly on both iOS and Android devices. Flutter's hot reload feature accelerates the development process, allowing Hudasoft's team to iterate quickly and deliver polished apps with a native-like experience.


      While Swift is the primary language for iOS development, Hudasoft may still maintain and update legacy iOS applications written in Objective-C. By proficiently using Objective-C, Hudasoft ensures the stability and compatibility of these older apps while incorporating new features and improvements.


      For Android app development, Hudasoft relies on Kotlin, Google's modern programming language for building Android applications. Kotlin's concise syntax and advanced features enhance productivity, enabling Hudasoft's developers to create high-quality Android apps efficiently.


      Similar to Objective-C for iOS, Hudasoft may work with Java for maintaining and updating legacy Android applications. Java remains essential for ensuring the functionality and performance of these older apps while Hudasoft implements enhancements and bug fixes.

      React Native

      Hudasoft utilizes React Native to develop cross-platform mobile applications using JavaScript and React. By leveraging React Native's component-based architecture, Hudasoft delivers feature-rich mobile apps with a native look and feel, optimizing development time and cost- effectiveness.


      Python's simplicity, versatility, and extensive libraries empower Hudasoft's developers to create scalable backend systems, automate tasks, and derive valuable insights from data, there by enhancing the overall functionality and performance of the software products delivered to clients.


      As a distinguished Angular development company, we specialize in delivering cutting-edge solutions that elevate your web presence and drive business growth.


      With industry foresight, a skilled development team, and a portfolio of impressive projects, Hudasoft is the right destination for availing custom PHP development services.


      Our services allows businesses to leverage node.js technology fully, as we build high-performing applications within budget while minimizing time to market.

      Your Business Could be Getting Better Results…

      Consultation with our experts could lead to the identification of areas within your business that require improvement, and thats the starting point for a positive change towards a technologically empowered organization.

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      Custom Software Development

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